Central Library

library 1

Great details have been gone into procuring of all the latest and essential books both Indian and international. These are aimed at nourishing and enriching the young minds. Large volumes of books from the basic life sciences to the clinical and non-clinical subjects are made available to the students and the staff. Library is the heart of any institution. It has photocopying, book binding, microfilm processing and draftaries room.

The library with spacious lounges, reading rooms and audiovisual rooms are aimed to provide the perfect reading experience for the students and the staff. It has a multi media center which has internet facility for students to access the latest: of treatment concepts from the worldwide medical data base, with an access to pub med and medical journals of national and international repute.

Interactive CD ROMs, educational videos, audio cassettes, VCD and DVDs arc available exclusively for the students use. Annual subscriptions are made to all leading national and international journals in various disciplines to enable the students and faculty to update them with the latest.

SIF 2020-21 Pharm.D